I’m Two! I’m Two!

Saturday was the 2nd birthday party for the twins. We had all the relatives (and I truly mean all the relatives) over, served a big dinner, and had presents galore. Only one thing was missing: the twins.

Perhaps it was the late hour, with the festivities starting at 5 PM, or perhaps it was the disappointment at coming home after an afternoon spent at the Zoo with Grandma and Grandpa. Whatever the reason, the twins decided that they were going to be grumpy, and no amount of reading stories, games by Grandpa, or offers of succulent cake could change their minds.

So, while the rest of us enjoyed a beautiful turkey and barbecued bratwurst (this being close to the coldest night of the year ), the twins sat morosely in front of the tube watching a Bob the Builder video, the only activity we could find which would calm them.

Later, they did decide to join the rest of the party, and enjoyed ripping wrapping paper to shreds. A small amount of cake was also consumed, though we'll be working on leftovers for the next month.

Originally, the theme of the party was "Two-Two Twain," but we decided that we should've gone with "It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To."


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