Baby, It’s Cold Out There

-25.2F was the low at our house last night, handily beating the lowest temperature from last year (-17.9F). Once you get to that level, temperature is more about keeping score than anything else.

Sure, it costs more to heat the house, and the car is less likely to start, but from a human perspective, there's not much difference once the temperature gets below zero. It's just cold. You add an extra layer if you have to, but the psychological effect is minimal.

The vast majority of Minnesotans don't spend much time out in this weather anyway. We just dash from warm place to warm place as fast as we can. A few seconds outside is about all you typically get.

There are a few advantages, however:

  • No crime. I don't mean less crime, I mean no crime. None. Well, OK, maybe you get a domestic dispute here and there, but most criminal activity requires spending at least some time outside. Who's going to spray-paint graffiti when the paint is frozen; or steal a car which probably won't start?

  • If you're entertaining, there's always enough room in the freezer, and plenty of ice. I actually passed a convenience store a couple days ago (when it was merely -15F) with a big sign advertising FREE BAG OF ICE. Good luck, guys.

  • Staying warm by the fire. Consenting adults can always find some entertaining ways to beat the cold.

  • Macho points with your friends in warmer climes. "You mean you actually drive a car out on a lake?!?" "How can you survive up there?" and so forth.


I’m Two! I’m Two!


Shiver me Timbers